Why you should hire a Pinterest Manager?- Top 7 Reasons

Hiring a Pinterest manager could be the perfect solution if you’re overwhelmed with your Pinterest business account and unsure how to manage it effectively.

In this post, I’ll share why hiring a Pinterest manager can save you time—time you can dedicate to other important business areas.

Pinterest is a powerful platform for marketing your business and driving free traffic to your website. Once you start gaining traction, the potential for traffic is limitless.

With the right keywords and strategies, Pinterest can become a significant traffic source, potentially bringing in hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Many businesses have used Pinterest to get over 500,000 visitors to their blogs or websites.

If you aim for similar results, hiring a Pinterest manager—someone who understands the platform inside and out—can help you achieve them.

A Pinterest manager can also be a great asset if your account is not performing as well as you’d hoped.

Whether your traffic has stagnated or you do not see the expected results, a Pinterest manager will analyze your account, provide insights, and suggest necessary improvements to help you achieve your goals.

If you’re serious about using Pinterest to grow your business, hiring a Pinterest manager is an investment that can yield significant results. This lets you focus on the parts of your business that matter most.

Reasons Why You Should Hire a Pinterest Manager

1. Pinterest is time consuming

Pinterest can indeed be incredibly time-consuming. With just 24 hours a day, running a business means juggling countless tasks, and trying to manage multiple platforms at once can feel overwhelming.

Marketing your business effectively requires using platforms like Pinterest, but doing it well requires much effort.

Creating boards, optimizing your account, pinning regularly, and staying consistent with your content is crucial for Pinterest’s success.

However, consistency is key, and maintaining it on Pinterest—especially as a business owner—can be exhausting. This is exactly why hiring a Pinterest manager makes so much sense.

A Pinterest manager takes care of the day-to-day tasks that keep your account thriving, ensuring that you don’t neglect your Pinterest presence.

This way, you can focus on running your business without letting your Pinterest account fall behind.

2. Seasonality on Pinterest needs attention

Seasonality plays a huge role on Pinterest, and it’s important to understand how it affects your niche.

Pinterest often pushes certain types of content during specific months, shifting focus depending on the season or upcoming events.

For example, food niches are particularly prone to seasonality, with recipes for holidays like Christmas becoming more popular during the holiday season.

To get the most out of your Pinterest strategy, you must understand the seasonal trends within your niche and plan your pins accordingly.

This means knowing what types of content to post and when to post it to maximize engagement and traffic.

For instance, if Christmas is coming up, you should post holiday-themed recipes or content well to ensure it gains traction.

Pinterest works on a longer timeline than other platforms.

It’s not uncommon for a pin to take 6 to 8 months to gain momentum, so posting seasonal content far in advance is one of the best strategies to ensure consistent growth and traffic throughout the year.

By preparing for these seasonal shifts, you can maintain steady traffic and engagement rather than experiencing peaks and valleys depending on the time of year.

Understanding and planning for seasonality is key to seeing long-term success on Pinterest.

3. Pinterest DEMANDS consistent Pinning

Pinterest has shifted its strategy significantly since 2020, now placing a strong emphasis on fresh pins. Pinning fresh content daily is crucial, but it can also feel like a daunting task.

The platform favors fresh pins, even in search results, so creating and pinning new content daily is necessary to stay competitive.

However, designing pins, writing the right titles, and crafting descriptions can be extremely time-consuming. Posting multiple pins a day, let alone creating ten fresh pins daily, is no small feat.

I offer packages where I post 15 pins a day, and even though it’s time-consuming, it’s become second nature to me due to the volume of work I’ve done.

However, for someone new to Pinterest, the daily grind of pin creation can be stressful and overwhelming.

This is why hiring a Pinterest manager might be the best option if you don’t have the time to manage it yourself.

Consistency is another key factor in Pinterest’s algorithm. Pinterest rewards accounts that pin regularly, so staying consistent with your pinning schedule will help your content reach more users and build trust with the platform.

The more consistent you are, the more Pinterest will show your pins to the right audience, ultimately increasing visibility and engagement.

If you’re struggling to keep up with the demands of daily pinning, a Pinterest manager can handle these tasks for you, ensuring that your account remains active and grows steadily.

4. You need to be hands-on with your Pinterest Business account

If you have a Pinterest business account, you need to be hands-on with it—trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way. It’s not just about posting pins and hoping for the best.

You have to understand everything from why your traffic is dropping to why you’re seeing a spike and which pins are performing well versus the ones that aren’t.

When it comes to Pinterest strategy, there’s a lot to manage, and the constant need to monitor, tweak, and update your approach can feel overwhelming.

For instance, juggling multiple responsibilities, such as blog SEO/ website SEO, and perhaps even a YouTube channel, alongside managing your Pinterest account, can become overwhelming.

Unlike other platforms, Pinterest is more of a search engine than a social media site. The dynamics differ—Pinterest prioritizes searchability and content longevity over immediate social interaction.

This means that you need to be more deliberate in your approach to understanding its algorithms, keyword usage, and how to optimize your boards and pins.

That’s why being hands-on is so important—Pinterest thrives on consistency and strategy. It’s about understanding the ebbs and flows, figuring out what’s working, and pivoting when something isn’t.

If you’re already stretched thin, this can feel overwhelming. But once you get a handle on it (or hire someone who does), you’ll see how Pinterest can become a powerful tool for your business.

Once I understood how different Pinterest is from other platforms, I realized I couldn’t treat it like another to-do list item. It required more attention and strategy, but what about the results? So worth it.

5. You can focus on other tasks rather than trying to build your Pinterest account.

When you’re not working on your Pinterest account and have hired a manager, you free up time to focus on other things.

Hiring a Pinterest manager is one of the best decisions you can make for your business, especially when hiring an Instagram or YouTube manager.

Pinterest is such a powerful platform for driving traffic to your blog or website, and if you’re serious about boosting those numbers, it’s worth considering.

One thing I’ve noticed is just how time-consuming Pinterest can be. Designing pins, writing optimized pin titles and descriptions, and ensuring your account is set up for Pinterest SEO can easily take up hours of your day.

When you hire a Pinterest manager, all of that weight is lifted off your shoulders, and you can invest that time in other marketing strategies or business activities that need your attention.

It’s not just about the time-saving aspect, though. A good Pinterest manager knows the platform’s ins and outs and can handle everything for you.

So, instead of getting bogged down with the details, you can rest easy knowing that your Pinterest account is in good hands and will steadily grow without you having to stress over every little pin or board. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

6. A Pinterest Manager is a Pinterest Expert

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your Pinterest account, I get it—I’ve been there too.

That’s when I realized how much easier it was to have a Pinterest manager.

They remove the guesswork from the platform and know what works for your niche: food, travel, weddings, or beauty.

Hiring someone who understands Pinterest can save you a lot of time, which you could use for other important parts of your business.

A Pinterest manager can also help you find new keyword ideas and strategies to boost your reach and trust me, that can make a huge difference.

Pinterest is a powerful traffic driver if you use it right. With a manager by your side, you won’t have to worry about whether you’re doing everything correctly. It’s a game-changer.

So, if you’re serious about growing your business and want to take full advantage of Pinterest’s traffic, I recommend hiring a Pinterest manager to save yourself the stress.

They’ll handle the time-consuming tasks while you focus on other areas of your business that need your attention.

7. You can increase and boost your traffic significantly with some strategies

Hiring a Pinterest manager ensures consistency in your strategy. With the right tactics and keywords, you’ll have a higher chance of achieving optimal results, significantly increasing your reach and traffic.

Pinterest takes time, usually 6 to 8 months, to show substantial progress. However, this isn’t a concern because once the results appear, they’re long-lasting.

That’s why I strongly recommend investing time in your Pinterest account. Don’t underestimate its potential, and make the most of it if you aim for more business exposure.

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