So what results can you expect from a Pinterest Manager?

One of the key things clients should look for is results, and the crux of our Pinterest management is growth. We are results-oriented, and here are some interesting case studies.

first account and my own personal favourite because I love pizzas

Account Niche- Pizza(Food)

Being a relatively small niche, the account had limited posts. Still, it performed extremely well after adding new boards (Account Optimization) and pins (Monthly Management), along with some interest and keyword targeting.

The outbound clicks increased by 32% from the previous month, and impressions rose significantly. When I started working on the account, it was badly affected by seasonality, but now the traffic has been steady for the past few months.

The outbound click-through rate is 3.55%, which is excellent for a small account. For reference, anything above 1% outbound click-through rate is considered good.

Here is why you need a Pinterest manager

What do you get from hiring me?

  • More outbound clicks to your blog or website.
  • Get more pin impressions and account impressions, leading to increased exposure for your business.
  • Increase your earnings with your Pinterest account.