How to write a click-worthy Pin title on Pinterest?

Pinterest Pin title is one of the important aspects of a Pin.

If someone asked me what the most important aspect of a pin is, I would say the pin image is the most crucial part of a pin, followed closely by the Pin title.

A Pin title not only serves as a critical place to insert relevant keywords for optimizing your Pin for Pinterest SEO, but it is also something the user interacts with before clicking on a Pin.

Pinterest uses a metric called “Pin Clicks,” which mostly comes from the Pin image, as that is what users see when scrolling through Pinterest.

Outbound click is when a user clicks on a Pin in the feed, views the full Pin image along with the title, and then clicks on the Pin URL.

In short, Outbound clicks indicate that the user clicked on your link and visited your website.

A Pin title bridges the gap between the phases of the Pin Click and Outbound Click. A good ratio is 50 percent or more of Pin clicks converting into outbound clicks.

Pin-User Interaction Process
Pin-User Interaction Process

A pin title is more than just grabbing a reader’s attention. Writing a good pin title also means including enough keywords to rank high on the Pinterest search page.

As you can see in the image above, a title as simple as ‘DIY Lip Gloss’ works because it explains the intent of the Pin Link and is pretty straightforward.

After all, your pin will only be seen by a user if it ranks high on the Pinterest search.

So, how long should a Pin title be?

A Pin title has a 100-character limit, but only 40-50 characters are visible on a mobile phone. Make sure to include your main keyword and the post intention within the first 40 characters.

Some Pin titles show up completely in the search results with the recent Pinterest app update, but we should wait until we get the finalised user interface that would

So, how do you write Pin titles on Pinterest?

1. Make sure your post title and the Pin title have the same intention

The first and most important tip is quite basic: the post title (the link that the pin links to) and the pin title should have similar keywords.

Only by doing this will a pin rank high in the Pinterest search. If it doesn’t rank in the Pinterest search, there’s no point in creating a hook or teasing the user with more information.

How to write Pin titles on Pinterest

Pinterest prefers this approach because it helps the platform understand and show the post to the right users.

For example, if you have a pin image about “arts and crafts” but link it to a dog training post, Pinterest would see that as a less desirable pin and won’t rank it well in the search results. Even if, by some luck, the pin does appear in dog training search results, no one will click on an arts and crafts pin image, and vice versa.

So, include the target keyword you want to rank for in the pin title.

What is the target keyword?

If you have a post on the ‘Short Ribs Recipe with Red Chillis,’you need to decide what you want to rank for, let’s say I want to rank for ‘Short Ribs Recipe’ keyword then I will definitely include that in the title. Short Ribs Recipe here is my target keyword.

For reference this is the post URL-

Will I use ‘sweet’ anywhere in the title? No. The simple reason being this recipe is not sweet and hence I never used sweet in the pin URL link.

So make sure to not use misleading information on your Pin title and keep it as closely similar to the pin URL as you possibly can with some extra added words.

An acceptable Pin title would be- ‘Short Ribs with red Chillis- Perfect Dinner Recipe’ or ‘Short Ribs Recipe with Red Chillis- Extra Hot!’

In both these pin titles I have included the keyword I want to rank for(target keyword) and just added additional words.

Once your Pin title and the post URL share the same intention, you can move to the next step.

2. Search for some supporting keywords

You want your pin to rank high in the Pinterest search to reach the right audience and get as many clicks as possible.

To achieve this, you must look for supporting keywords for your post. For instance, if your post is about “crochet ideas for beginners,” go to Pinterest search and type in this phrase. You’ll see a bunch of supporting keywords at the top.

Add any relevant ones to your pin title. This will help your pin rank higher in the Pinterest search. Following this step and the previous one, your pin should already perform well.

Personal Note: I have ranked several pins using Tips 1 and 2, so make sure you write the correct pin titles and don’t get overwhelmed by the entire process. You can start with Tips 1 and 2 initially and later adopt Tip 3 once you are comfortable implementing the first two steps.

But if you want to go further, check out the next step below!

3. Include something extra for the reader

At this point, I will explain how to reel in the reader who has landed on your pin and make them click on it.

This step occurs later in the pin-user interaction process, so it is optional but helps convert pin clicks into outbound clicks.

Once you have sorted the keywords for your title after Step 2, you can focus on making the pin title compelling so people feel they should click through your link immediately.

Example 1- For instance, if your post is about crochet designs for beginners, a title like “Crochet Designs for Beginners Done in One Hour” will entice the reader to click on the pin and visit your post.

Pinterest Pin Title Ideas

Why does this work?

If I’m a beginner looking for crochet designs, I would prefer a project that can be completed in one hour. No beginner wants to be stuck in a project for five hours! A small project offers instant gratification and builds confidence, making it the perfect hook for a beginner.

Example 2- This is where you must understand what the user is looking for! Let’s say you’re in the food niche and targeting the keyword “BBQ sauce recipe.” Think about what someone searching for this recipe might want.

Keywords like “quick,” “easy,” and “fast” can pique the reader’s interest because no one wants an endlessly tiring recipe; everyone wants something that will save them time.

Another approach could be using specific ingredients, such as “without sugar” or “with chilis,” to target a specific audience interested in making BBQ sauce without sugar.

Of course, ensure you have a recipe without sugar, and do not be misled by the Pinterest title. Consider how your recipe stands out and what makes it unique. This way, you attract the right audience and provide them exactly what they want.

Adding hooks can be easy on pin titles if you have some informational posts. Some Pin title ideas for informational posts can be

1. how to do___ in ___minutes
2.Make the best___ with only __thing
3. The best___ recipe
4. Quick and Easy way to make ___

Tip- The best way to generate Pinterest title ideas is to research your niche and understand what people are searching for. Analyze what makes people click on pins and spend time understanding users’ mindsets.

By doing this, you can create compelling Pin titles that effectively attract clicks, leading to more than 60 percent of Pin clicks converting into outbound clicks every single time.

If you need help with your Pinterest account, check out the Services Page. If you want to hire a Pinterest Manager to write Pin titles and descriptions for you, take a look at the Monthly Management Services.

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