How many pins do I pin on Pinterest in a day?

If you are using Pinterest for your blog or business then I’m sure you have wondered, how many pins you need to post on Pinterest per day to see results!

The answer is pretty simple- anywhere from around 10-15 pins is a good safe number, but you need to consider and be aware of a few things before you go ahead and post multiple pins on Pinterest in a day.

how many pins can you post on Pinterest in a day

There are a few different kinds of pins that you can find on Pinterest and in this post, we will go through all the different types of pins and which ones you should focus on to get the best results for your Pinterest account.

I have been posting on Pinterest since 2018 and things are constantly changing in the Pinterest landscape. It is crucial to consider that what worked back then may not work in 2024.

So first, let’s discuss the different kinds of pins that you can post on your Pinterest account.

Different types of Pins on Pinterest

There are two different kinds of Pins(based on how they were posted) that you can find on Pinterest. They are fresh pins and repins.

1. Fresh Pins are fresh images you upload with pin titles and descriptions on Pinterest. These pins are pinned for the first time on Pinterest and Pinterest views these images as fresh content and hence we would call them fresh pins.

2. Repin- When a pin is pinned from another board on then Pinterest sees it as a repin. Repin means duplicate pin since it is the same pin copy pinned to a different board. I think many people can be found guilty of repinning one fresh pin image to more than one Pinterest board as this was a common practice on Pinterest before 2019.

What does Pinterest prefer: Fresh Pins vs Repins?

I have seen multiple times on different accounts where it is a common strategy to repin their content to several boards. Does this help with their Pinterest SEO?


Why do people still do it?

Delusion, LOL.

Fresh Pin vs. Repin

Pinterest has often mentioned that it loves fresh content. Pinterest has also gone on record to say that consistent repinning activity can get an account flagged or banned if it has too many repins or duplicate pins.

So, my best advice is that you try and post as many fresh pins as you can and limit or completely avoid repinning your pins.

You can repin or save from other’s content but make sure you do not repin a LOT in one day especially if you have a business Pinterest account (Personal accounts can repin as much as they want to but Pinterest business accounts need to be careful).

How many Pins do I post on my Pinterest account per day?

Finally answering the golden question in detail, so how many pins do I post on my Pinterest account per day?

I post around 10-15 fresh pins on my account per day. I know it can be a lot but this is what will get you the best results

How many pins you post to get growth on Pinterest

You also need to do your keyword research on Pinterest but if you have already nailed that down, you can hit the traffic jackpot by pinning 10 fresh pins per day.

The number of pins does not matter as much as consistency. Make sure even if you post 2 fresh pins per day, you stay consistent. Consistency is key when it comes to Pinterest.

But if you ask me how many fresh pins per day you need to see real growth then I would recommend 10-15 pins being posted per day to see growth within a few months.

All the pins that you post should be FRESH pins and not duplicate pins or repins. You can repin other’s content but make sure it is less compared to fresh pins.

Just avoid repining your content altogether. I have never done it and hence I do not recommend it either.

Is posting pins on a brand new Pinterest account different from that of an established account?


Posting pins is slightly different on a brand new account as you are still building your account and as long as yo slowly build up to posting 5-10 pins a day, you are going to be fine.

Do not start at 10 pins a day as that can be overwhelming for both you and Pinterest. Start with 2-3 pins a day and then slowly increase the number of pins every 3 days and then get it to 10 pins a day.

If you cannot do 10 fresh pins a day then stick to 2-3 fresh pins a day and even that will get you great results. Do not obsess over the numbers just make sure you stay consistent.

If you have an existing account where you pin say 2 pins every day then you can increase the number of pins to 6 or seven in a day and it would be fine. You can make sudden changes with a running account than with a new or dormant account.

How do you go about pinning pins on a dormant Pinterest account?

If a Pinterest account has been dormant with no pinning for 3-6 months or more then you treat it as a new account.

Start pinning slowly as any sudden activity can make Pinterest think that the account is spam and it can lead to account deactivation(doesn’t happen to everyone but is a good thing to know about).

In case you run into the spam filter, you can always get the account back once you contact Pinterest about it. Do not think that reviving an old account is impossible. Sometimes it is easier to get results with an older account.

What time do you schedule your pins?

The best time to post your pins can depend on your demographics and when you think they might be free in their day.

What time to post a Pin on Pinterest

According to Statista Pinterest has over 69.4 percent women users and 22 percent male users.

You can also take a look at your account demographics and see if women consume your content more than post it after dinner time or when they get off from work as that is when they are free to scroll.

If it is a male-dominated niche(which is barely the case on Pinterest) then maybe posting around 5 pm just after the work shift ends is ideal.

I post around 7-9 PM PT, and that is my preference but you can post at similar times considering who is your target demographic depending on the age and gender.

You can also test out multiple times and see what times get you the most engagement.

The timing is not that big a factor on Pinterest as you should focus on ranking your Pins in the search and the time when you post them is not of major significance.

Can you post the same URL twice a day?

No. Do not post the same URL twice a day, doing this multiple times can cause your account to be flagged as SPAM and you do not want that since getting out of SPAM can be a task.

Can you post the same URL twice on Pinterest

How many pins do large accounts post per day?

Most of the large accounts post at least 10 pins a day. I know accounts that post 10-15 pins a day and some even go as far as 20-30 pins a day.

It depends on how much content your blog has and if you need to go as far as 30 pins a day. But established accounts can do this and they get great results.

I know of some accounts that get more than 20+ million monthly views and post around 20 fresh pins a day. So, anything is possible on Pinterest with the right strategy.

Does deleting a pin affect your Pinterest account?

If you delete a pin right away, it will not affect your Pinterest account. Most of the time, deleting a pin doesn’t hurt an account but deleting a pin that gets your account some traffic can impact your account traffic-wise.

You can delete pins that have not yet gotten any traction but I recommend you leave them alone, even if they aren’t getting any traffic there could be a good chance that Pinterest might push it in the search engine soon.

You never know when they get picked by Pinterest and are shown in the search results.

In case you have deleted the blog post that a pin links to then make sure to do a redirection for the URL so that the pin leads to a similar post or related post. Having pins linking to 404 error URLS is not the best thing for Pinterest SEO.

How many pins do you post per day to see real growth?

My golden number is any account with 10-15 fresh pins per day and above. Of course, making 10 fresh pins per day is another task altogether but I highly recommend this number.

I know of an account that hit 1 M monthly views on Pinterest within 3 months by posting 10 fresh pins per day so if you consider the niche and do the right keyword research you can get these results too.

This may not happen for every account but it is a possibility if you take into consideration the seasonality and the keywords that work on Pinterest.

If you are looking for some help to post 10 or 15 fresh pins per day on your account then you can check out my Monthly management services where I offer this to clients.

If you have questions leave them in the comments below!

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